Wellness/Sick Visits
Wellness exams: Please do your best to withhold food for at least 6-8 hours before the exam in case we need to collect blood that requires fasting (some pets/testing require longer fasted intervals). Water may be offered leading up to the appointment. Ideally, have your pet hold its urine for a few hours before the appointment if possible in case collection is required. If a fecal sample is due you may collect it and store it in a bag in the refrigerator overnight or a bagged fresh morning sample will do. We hope to provide efficient care to avoid unnecessary follow up visits for the sole purpose of sample collection. Every exam is performed through Fear Free Guidelines!
Sick exams: If you are designating a representative to be present during the exam, please document a history of the illness so that we can fully address your concerns. If diarrhea is present, we will likely need a fecal sample (see wellness fecal collection recommendation). If a urinary tract infection is a concern, please prevent your pet from urinating for 4-6 hours before the appointment so that we may collect a sample during the visit. If an ear infection is suspected, please do not clean your dog's ear the day of the appointment as it can alter the microscopic analysis and treatment recommendation. Should your pet require x-rays, hospitalization or emergency surgery, we will refer you to a local animal hospital or emergency facility that can accommodate these needs. Every exam is performed through Fear Free Guidelines!
* Cancellation policy: Great Paws kindly asks that you give 24 hour notice of cancellation. Short notice cancellation may incur a cancellation fee. We will do our very best to remind you about scheduled appointments the day prior to the exam by your chosen contact method.